8 Things We Want From Star Wars Battlefront 3

6. An Improved Hunt Mode

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Tusken Raider If you€™re looking for something quick and a bit different or if you just have a grudge against Ewoks, Hunt is a great game mode. But it€™s not without its flaws. There are a few minor things like the Gungans having hopeless weapons and Hunt not being available on the maps where it logically should be like Jabba€™s Palace or the Jedi Temple. But the biggest issue is the AI for it. In short: it€™s hopelessly broken. If you play Hunt on the Mos Eisley map and use the Tusken Raiders, you don€™t have a hope in hell of winning because the computer's kill count goes up unreasonably quickly. Winning a game of Hunt on Naboo as the Super Battle Droids is ridiculously easy. And I€™ve played Hunt several times on Endor and won without a single Ewok managing to get a hit on me. The little furballs don't even try. They just keep running away. Mercilessly slaughtering the more irritating inhabitants of the Star Wars universe without the hassle of them killing you all the time is a plus if you€™re using Hunt as a stress reliever but if you€™re looking for a genuine challenge, it either being stupidly easy or ridiculously difficult ruins the fun of it.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.