8 Things We Want From Star Wars Battlefront 3

5. Expanded Universe Content

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mod Kyle Katarn With a few exceptions, pretty much everything in the first two Battlefront games was drawn directly from the films. All of the maps (other than Rhen Var and Kashyyyk in the first game) were from the films and so were most of the units and vehicles. Drawing from the most well known source material is a given when making a game adaptation and a lot of people will buy the game on the strength that they€™ll be able to drive an AT-AT Walker or fly an X-Wing but there€™s so much content in the Expanded Universe that€™s just crying out to be put to good use. Especially from the Clone Wars era. Tell me that I can play the Battle of Jabiim or use A€™Sharad Hett as a Leader and my reaction will be €œShut up and take my money€. Plus, unless there€™s stuff in the game that will be taken from Episode VII, all of the planets, vehicles, and unit classes from the films are all but exhausted, making the use of Expanded Universe material a necessity to avoid rehashing what we€™ve seen before too much.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.