8 Things We Want From Star Wars Battlefront 3

3. An Overhaul Of Space Battles

star_wars_battlefront2_02 Space Battles were a great addition to Battlefront 2. Especially with the clunky starfighter controls of the first Battlefront being reworked and the possibility of crashing into the battlefield being removed. But after a while it all gets a bit dull. There is only one playable mode for Space Battles (not counting Capture The Flag) and it€™s the same formula over and over again. You grab a bomber and bomb the different areas of the enemy€™s capital ship until you win, with the option to blow up some areas from the inside or dogfight with the enemy ships. That€™s more or less all there is to it. For the Space Battles to keep the interest of experienced players and to keep anyone playing for a long time, they€™re going to need a considerable overhaul with new elements to keep the gameplay fresh and varied. A new mode similar to Conquest would be an ideal change. As would the introduction of a few new ships and the addition of Leaders to Space Battles.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.