8 Things We Want From Star Wars Battlefront 3

1. More Than Four Factions

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mod The core four playable factions (Republic, CIS, Rebels, and Empire) have always done the series proud and provided great gameplay. But since it€™s been close to nine years since the first game came out, the players are more than ready for something that shakes it up a bit. Obviously the original four should be retained since they€™re the game€™s anchor to the films and are where it all began but adding other armies to the game beyond those four is a great way to expand the series. Fans who create PC mods for Battlefront have seen the potential of this with one very well received mod pack featuring the Old Republic and the Sith Empire as playable factions. Going back to my argument about adding more Expanded Universe content to the game, there is a huge number of armies in the Star Wars canon that could be included in Battlefront 3 to supplement the main four. Ones that spring to mind include the Mandalorians, the Yuuzhan Vong, and the One Sith. Battlefront has come as far as it can go with just four factions. It€™s time to expand. What do you want to see from Battlefront 3? Leave a comment...

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.