8 Times Celebrities Spectacularly Failed At Suing The Gaming Industry

2. Jack Thompson Vs. Rockstar Games (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)

We'd pretty much need a whole new list for the amount of times lunatic-lawyer Jack Thompson sued Rockstar for depictions of crime and violence in the Grand Theft Auto series - although by the time part five rolled around he's appeared to have finally given up. Back when GTA III was changing the gaming landscape day-by-day and Vice City was the greatest thing since, well, GTA III, Thompson was in full flow; casting his net of accusations so wide that it only took a crime that barely resembled something in the game for him to draw a direct comparison. So it was that in 2005 Thompson filed an action against Rockstar on behalf of the families of three deceased officers - Arnold Strickland, James Crump and Leslie Mealer - who were shot whilst on duty by Devin Moore, a man who after stealing one of their firearms then took off from the station in a police cruiser. It was another easy victory for Rockstar as the Alabama Supreme Court needed only mention their right to creative freedom and the fact the real-world actions had nothing more in common with the game than a resemblance through circumstance alone.
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