8 Times Censorship Almost Ruined Your Favourite Video Games

5. The Last Of Us Almost Lost Its Most Brutal Moments

The Last of Us' single player offers an unflinching look at living in a ravished post-apocalyptic world where everything is trying to kill you, but its most brutal moments almost never made it into the game at all.

Expecting to be either banned or heavily censored in certain countries, Naughty Dog pre-empted the strict ratings boards of Australia and Germany by altering some of the violence for the entire international release. Thankfully though, the major changes only impacted the game's multiplayer.

Removing the more violent options to dismember other players or pop their melons with headshots, the gore was turned way down in territories outside of the USA.

In a way it was a smart move, as by sacrificing the multiplayer the developers allowed the single-player to to pass through the censors virtually untouched. Still, it's a shame that the more brutal animations didn't make their way over to the multiplayer internationally for the sake of a few countries, as it could have made the already visceral matches even more intense.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3