8 Times Censorship Almost Ruined Your Favourite Video Games

4. Nintendo Doesn't Understand Why Mortal Kombat Is So Popular

Back when arcades were a big deal, fighting games took the world by storm. With Street Fighter being the competitive king, new releases had to do something different in order to attract a player's attention, and the developers behind Mortal Kombat knew exactly what the genre was missing.

Filling their game with ridiculous amounts of gore, the seminal title was one of the most violent - if not the most violent - game of its time, becoming a huge success in arcades.

When it came time to port the title over to consoles however, Nintendo being Nintendo completely misunderstood why players were flocking to play Mortal Kombat, and released it on the SNES without any of the blood or memorable fatalities.

What does Mortal Kombat have going for it without its over-the-top gore? Especially in those early releases, the combat system was nowhere near as complex or as fun as latest instalments would achieve, and for the most part, players were only there to see a giant four-armed beast rip a man's head off his shoulders.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3