8 Times DLC Ruined The Base Game

3. Episode Pack: Part IV - Asura's Wrath

bioshock infinite burial at sea

Now to be fair, the actual content of Asura's Wrath's Episode Pack: Part IV is pretty damn great, but the fact that it's even DLC at all proved enough to sour many on the entire game.

In one of the all-time most shambolic instances of developers carving part of a game out and selling it back to players later on, Asura's Wrath's core experience concludes on a cliffhanger which appears to be setting up a sequel.

Except, roughly two months after release, Capcom released this paid episodic DLC which contained the final four chapters of the game, effectively forcing players to fork over an extra £4.69/$7 to see how the story ends.

Again, those concluding chapters are some of the best content in the entire game, but the manner through which they were ransomed off to players who were by this point heavily invested in the payoff was overwhelmingly gross, and proved emblematic of increasingly cheeky DLC practises in the industry at large.

It's been suggested that developer CyberConnect2 ultimately created this DLC after finding out that Asura's Wrath didn't sell well enough to get a sequel, but even if that's true, there's a wider lesson here. 

Developers should focus on delivering a single complete story rather than stringing players along for a pipe dream of a sequel.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.