8 Underrated Relationships In Assassin's Creed

7. Jacob and Evie Frye

Assassins Creed Origins

The Frye twins were one of the few bright spots in an otherwise uninspiring Assassin's Creed series entry. The brother's sharp wit and humour often complemented the sister's headstrong and determined composure, and their divergent paths helped to bolster the game's overall narrative in Victorian-era London.

Although they were bound by their Creed to dismantle Crawford Starrick's Templar influence in London, Jacob and Evie nevertheless tried their best to have some fun in some areas.

From Jacob poking fun at Evie's affection for fellow assassin Henry Green, to racing to a train at the end of the game, their bond was always as strong as their impulse to amuse one another.

Eventually, their mandates often clashed with each others. Evie would blame Jacob for being too reckless, while Jacob would question her effectiveness in the field, leading to a temporary drift between the two. Disagreements never lasted with the Frye twins, as they eventually reunited to eliminate Starrick and obtain the Shroud of Eden.

Evie even went the extra mile in latter years for her brother by both rescuing him from and assassinating Jack the Ripper, a former protégé of Jacob.

All siblings will have disputes as their relationship matures. When the time comes to put their differences aside for the greater good, most will, just as Jacob and Evie have done. It's a shame they haven't been mentioned much since.


Hi, I'm Damian. Introduce-iest enough?