8 Underrated Video Games With STUNNING Art Styles

7. Sable

thumper game

One of the most intoxicatingly beautiful games of the last decade, Sable is an open-world exploration game that rocks a style heavily influenced by 1980s French comics, and especially the distinctive work of legendary artist Moebius, best known for his surreal sci-fi landscapes.

The endless desert, the plumes of sand propelled behind your jetbike as you speed around, and the magnificent structures littered across the map - they all add up to creating a mysterious world that's a sheer joy to explore.

Sable's lithographic, line art-infused aesthetic helps differentiate it from the great glut of similarly themed indies, ensuring that whether you vibe with its minimalist story and gameplay or not, you're almost certainly going to feel something while exploring.

Sable was certainly well-received upon release - even nabbing a "Best Debut Indie Game" nomination at the 2021 Game Awards - but its staying power in the gaming discourse hasn't quite sustained as it probably should have.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.