8 Upcoming Video Game Remakes That SHOULD NOT EXIST

7. Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time

Horizon zero dawn

At least Ubisoft can’t be accused of rushing the remake treatment with their legendary timey-wimey platformer Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.

Originally released back in 2003, it remains one of the most beloved games of the entire PS2/Xbox/GameCube era and helped rejuvenate the flagging Prince of Persia franchise, leading to a glut of sequels of varying quality.

Ubisoft first announced the remake in 2020 for a planned release the next year, yet the reveal trailer was widely dunked on by fans for its, shall we say, “retrograde” visuals, with many joking that the game’s graphics had been sent back in time by the Prince’s trusty dagger. Ha!

Ubisoft uneasily insisted that the visuals were an artistic choice, yet before long the remake was indefinitely delayed, with development reportedly shifting over from Indian studios Ubisoft Mumbai and Ubisoft Pune to Ubisoft Montreal.

By 2023 the publisher had rebooted the project entirely, and so it surely won’t release until 2025 at the absolute earliest.

Given that remaking one of the most acclaimed action-platformers of all time should be a relatively straight-forward assignment, the fact that it’s taking so long - as long as the development of a brand new AAA title, even - is perhaps all the proof needed that this remake didn’t need to exist at all.

A mere remaster would’ve sufficed, honestly, because while there are certainly dated elements of The Sands of Time’s gameplay, for the most part it holds up incredibly well.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.