8 Upcoming Video Game Remakes That SHOULD NOT EXIST

6. Need For Speed: Most Wanted

Horizon zero dawn

The Need for Speed franchise is clearly struggling to remain relevant in the present gaming sphere, so why not go back to the remake well?

And that’s precisely what’s happening according to Simone Bailly, a voice actress who worked on 2005’s hugely successful cops ‘n’ robbers romp Need for Speed: Most Wanted.

Bailly claims that a Most Wanted remake is being released this very year, and while there’s clear logic in EA remaking one of the series’ most acclaimed and best-selling games when the current titles aren’t performing so hot, it’s ultimately a case of “close, but no cigar.”

Fans have been begging EA to give them remakes of the iconic Need for Speed: Underground games for years now, and with both titles recently celebrating their 20th anniversaries, what better time to mine that white-hot early 2000s nostalgia?

Shamelessly and brilliantly inspired by the Fast and the Furious movies, both Underground games feel like a snapshot in time where car culture was basically the coolest thing imaginable. 

After all, what’s better than nitrous-boosting your import car around town while listening to the hottest rap tracks of 2003?

While there are certainly music licensing issues to consider with the Underground remakes, there simply isn’t the passion or desire among the fanbase for Most Wanted to make its return, and so it feels like a bit of a pointless endeavour. Focus your energy where it’s desired most, EA.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.