8 Upcoming Video Game Remakes That SHOULD NOT EXIST

1. Resident Evil 5

Horizon zero dawn

There’s no denying that Capcom’s ongoing Resident Evil remake project has been a stonking success so far, with the remakes of the second and fourth games especially achieving massive critical and commercial glory.

Late last year, Capcom confirmed that more remakes from the survival horror franchise’s back catalogue are coming, and while they stopped short of revealing which game was next, the most logical option is of course Resident Evil 5.

Whether it’s next or not, Resident Evil 5 is absolutely getting remade in due course, yet the “necessity” of this remake has massively divided the fanbase.

As amusing as the prospect of seeing Chris Redfield’s infamous boulder punch in the RE Engine in glorious 4K is, the fifth Resident Evil is one of the mainline series’ more polarising entries, due to both its greater emphasis on action at the expense of horror and clunky AI companion Sheva.

Perhaps the biggest hurdle for remaking Resident Evil 5, though, is the original game’s highly controversial depiction of West Africa, which dabbled so aggressively in racist tropes that Capcom even came out and admitted that it made them exercise greater oversight on future games.

A remake would need to overhaul so much to avoid being raked over the coals that, combined with its middling reception among the fanbase, Resident Evil 5 is probably best left alone.

Given the several Resident Evil games better-suited for a remake - namely the original and cult fave Code Veronica - re-doing the fifth game feels like an epic squandering of time, money, and talent.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.