8 Upcoming Video Games That Have Already Made Crippling Mistakes

8. Crackdown 3 Ditching Its Only Unique Idea

Crackdown 3

When Crackdown 3 debuted in 2015, Microsoft made a huge deal about how it was using the "Power of the cloud" to give the game the processing power of 20 Xbox Ones. They talked about how this would allow them to take the series into a 'revolutionary' new direction, based primarily on city-wide destruction and sandbox anarchy on a scale players had never seen before.

But then the game went completely dark, and when it was re-announced two years later at E3 2017, the developers were much more cautious when talking about this destruction technology. Now they've revealed that the feature is only going to be fully realised as originally intended in the title's multiplayer, while the campaign will be using a pared-down version instead.

Without that added element, what exactly does the new Crackdown have going for it?

From the looks of the trailers, there's nothing that clearly defines it against the previous entries in the franchise, and the fact that Microsoft is quietly pushing it out this Fall, makes it seem as though they don't have that much faith in the final product either.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3