8 Upcoming Video Games You Are NOT Ready For

4. Palworld

die by the blade
Pocket Pair, Inc.

There's something so brilliantly enticing about upcoming game Palworld that I always have trouble putting my finger on.

Is it the rather sumptuous graphics? The adorable creatures that you can recruit to your teams? Or is it the fact that THIS IS POKEMON BUT WITH GUNS.

Yes, that's right, Palworld is basically what happens when a developer looks over that banned episode of Pokemon where Ash has a gun pulled on him and says "and I took that personally" as for all of it's other gameplay intricacies, the world over is now calling this title Pokegun for it's absolutely insane approach to gameplay. Even if I was sat down by the devs and shown how all of the other mechanics work, my brain will never fully be ready to shoot a cute and cuddly critter right in the chops with a rocket launcher in order to then add it to my roster.

In essence, it's no different to Pokemon's battle system except here it's less Fight Club vibes and more Frag Cubs.

In addition to this, Palworld is offering an open-world format, a multiplayer survival challenge, and a storyline that seems equal parts whimsical and nightmare-inducing. I for one cannot wait for this game because in all honesty, I've no idea how it's going to turn out with all those spinning plates.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.