8 Utterly Brutal Video Game Sidequests
4. Merman Meat - Castlevania: Order Of Ecclesia
Order Of Ecclesia is a brilliantly engaging game, and easily one of my favourite Castlevania experiences across the franchise. However, while its gameplay is like a loving neck bite, there's an absolutely shocking oversight to one of the game's quests, that depending on your mood, will either be hilarious to you or will see you staking the game through the heart.
I'm speaking of course about the "Merman Meat" quest that Abram doles out to you. Now with a description like that you'd be thinking of heading down to the Merman Spawn points and doing a bit of extreme fishing right? After potentially hours of doing this and coming up completely short, you might start to think that there's something wrong.
Maybe you're not using the right weapon? Maybe it needs to be done in a certain way? Surprisingly it's neither! Turns out that thanks to a mistranslation, Mermen don't actually drop Merman Meat, and instead you'll have to battle some Loreleis for the drop.
Oh and to top off this absolute fishcake of a f**k-on, the drop is extremely rare, meaning that it's still going to take you ages. And I thought that Dracula and his mirror castle gimmick was annoying!