8 Video Game Achievements Made IMPOSSIBLE By RNG

2. Unacheivable - The Stanley Parable

mortal kombat baraka
Galactic Cafe

The Stanley Parable is just a wonderful slice of insanity. From rewarding players equally when it comes to following the rules and also for absolutely breaking them, the game is like a giant flow chart that reminds us of that scene in Always Sunny with Pepe Silvia.

It's also a title packed with achievements that border on straight-up trolling. From "Go Outside" which could only be unlocked by not playing the game for five years, to simply turning "Achievements" on and off in the settings menu, all the way through to the most infuriating and utterly random trophy entitled "Unachievable".

This one achievement caused the entire fanbase to shrivel like a slug to salt as they tried, again and again, to figure out how to actually unlock the bastard, as the game gives utterly no clues as to how to go about ticking this off. It turns out that when the game loads up, the game runs a series of checks and assigns a secret task to the player in order to complete it. This could be as simple as typing in a number on a terminal, clicking on an object in the game, reaching a certain point at a certain time, or by literally doing nothing.

It's completely randomized and as such could theoretically never unlock for you. How charming. Still, if you are desperate for this 'cheev, you can edit the game files using notepad to pop it, yet for those looking to unlock this legitimately, there's no clue as to when or where that might finally happen. Good luck. You're literally going to need it.

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Mortal Kombat
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