8 Video Game Bosses The AI Killed For You

6. Terry - Dragon's Quest VI

Akuma street fighter
Square Enix

In a game as brilliantly intertwined with the very notion of fantasy adventures, of course, Dragon Quest was going to make you fight at least one dragon across your time with the franchise. Plus I mean the clue is somewhat in the name I guess.

Well if you're in the monster-hunting mood, then Dragon Quest VI has you covered as early on in the game you're tasked with slaying the fearsome Hacksaurus! So off we set, blade shining in the sun and our party kitted out with all the items they can carry in search of the big beast.

It's just a shame that as we fight our way into it's lair we're met with a rather strange sight...TERRY! That's right Terry the cocky adventurer we met prior to this has only gone and done the hard work for us, slaying the beast, and is very intent on claiming the reward that comes with it!

This is actually Terry's gimmick, either taking credit for work we've done or beating us to the punch, and to say it's infuriating is... an understatement.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.