8 Video Game Bugs That Literally Destroyed Your Game
3. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 - Pro League Lockups
While we might all complain about the state that some games ship in nowadays, there is actually a silver lining to this thunderstorm of backlash, and that’s thanks to current technology, video games can be fixed with patches and updates that are rolled out digitally.
That wasn’t so much the case when I was a wee lad, meaning that if you encountered a game-breaking bug, you were completely stuck with it! Such is the case of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 which had an almighty whopper of a glitch that kicked in as soon as you turn Pro.
After the first amateur event and your qualification to the big leagues, the next event you choose will straight up freeze your game. Ok, you might think, well maybe if I just skip this event to the next one that’ll solve things? Nope.
It’ll freeze every other event from that point onward! I thought golf was meant to be relaxing!