8 Video Game Characters Hiding Terrible Secrets

1. Licia Of Lindelt - Dark Souls 2

No More Heroes

Bloody hell From Software you really do want us all to lose our trust in one another, don't you?

From player invasions ganking us to kingdom come, tricks and traps that other players can leave false messages to draw you into, and of course the ever-rotating carousel of betrayal that come from your characters, Dark Souls, Demons Souls, and Bloodborne takes the cake when it comes to keeping you in the dark and punishing us for it.

For me, however, the biggest sneak and all-around rotter is found in Dark Souls 2 in the form of Licia of Lindelt, a supposed holy healer who is actually a massive con artist and pretty horrible sort. On first meeting this kind soul seems to offer peace and a moment of respite, offering to open a passage for you with the power of her "miracles" in exchange for some souls.

Turns out, however, that she's something of a fraud, merely announcing her faith so loudly in order to scam you out of your hard gotten gains. Even the opening of the passage is done via a keystone and not any form of magic, making her out to be a good actor but little more.

Well, that is unless you find the body at the bottom of the stairs which heavily implies that Licia killed that person and stole their wares, possibly even accounting as to why she has the keystone. This is further cemented by the fact that the Crushed Eye Orb stirs in her presence which only does so in the company of traitors.

With her secret out, she attacks aggressively meaning you'll need to shut down this shady operation for good.

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