8 Video Game Characters Hiding Terrible Secrets

2. Willoh - Hollow Knight

No More Heroes
Team Cherry

Despite its adorable art style, Hollow Knight isn't exactly the title you go to for a fun and pleasant time, as this is a game that will gladly drive a nail through your eye and smile while doing it.

I say this because the title can be crushingly hard in places, and despite looking like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths, most of the characters you meet are just one step away from roasting you rotten. Yet weirdly, Willoh, the giraffe weevil that you meet in the Queen's Station ends up being one of the most sinister of all, mainly just because of how innocent she appears to be on the surface.

Content to stay in one place and avoid conflict, Willoh mentions how all she wants to do is eat, however, if you jump up to her feeding area you'll find something quite horrifying, for it turns out that alongside eating fungus, Willoh has also been feasting on bugs that wandered into the area!

A corpse on the floor, when hit with the Dream Nail gives us the message "No. Not Food" implying that Willoh ate the poor creature and did so while it was still alive! Suddenly being trapped at the end of this little hall with Willoh feeding next to us is enough to make us want out, fast.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.