8 Video Game Curses You Actually Want
A blessing in disguise.
Curses. Where would we be without them?
So many of the world's greatest tales begin with a curse. A hex placed on a young hero. A vengeful incantation placed on an entire kingdom.
The ability to string together a sentence but replacing "um" with the word "f**k", curses are in every aspect of storytelling to an extent, and so of course they find a welcome home within the medium of video games.
Here you will find items, weapons, and characters all afflicted with curses that range from the deadly to the disastrous, but sometimes, in rare examples, there are actually curses that seem almost entirely beneficial!
So let's take a look at curses in video games that actually seem like a pretty sweet deal for all those involved, as even if there's a price to be paid the barrier to entry is well worth the admission fee!
8. The Mad Batter's Curse - The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past

Of all the weird and wonderful monsters and characters within the Legend Of Zelda series, none will hold as great a candle in my heart as the Mad Batter.
At first, this might be a bit confusing to some as the design of this enemy isn't exactly anything to write home (or indeed a list) about, but it's the character's sheer misunderstanding of what constitutes a curse that makes it so utterly memorable.
Located in both Link's Awakening and A Link To The Past, The Mad Batter can be found in caves dotted around Hyrule, where it can be awoken by sprinkling some Magic Powder on it. Now arguably you too would be a bit annoyed if some little oik sprinkled asbestos shavings on your head, so doling out a curse seems pretty fair game, except the Mad Batter might have taken a few too many snorts of this powder, as it's baneful hexes end up actively helping you!
From increasing your carrying capacity of bombs and arrows "so you can feel the weight of all these items" to halving how much each magic spell and attack costs The Mad Batter thinks he's doing you dirty, but in fact it's helping you on your journey in a pretty impactful way!