8 Video Game Curses You Actually Want

5. Missingno - Pokemon Red And Blue

Dragon Lord Tiny Tina
Game Freak

If you were lucky enough to have been alive during the formative years of the Pokemon craze, then you likely will remember the moment that Missingno hit your playground.

You'd hear ripples of a mysterious Pokemon without a fully formed design, with abstract data, and with the ability to glitch your game and come the end of the school day, there would be a crowd surrounding the one kid who was behind all of these incredulous stories. Calls of "liars" and "pants also being on fire" were rebutted with "I have proof" and soon all would become aware of the mysterious glitch Pokemon who not only infested your game with bugs but also duplicated any item in your sixth inventory slot 127 times.

In this moment you were witnessing history, but you were also experiencing a curse. A curse of knowledge.

Now upon loading up your own save, you had a choice to make. To play the game as intended and become the very best through hard work and perseverance, or to skip over to Missingno's spawn point and farm Rare Candies and Masterballs like there's no tomorrow. Sure you'd have a level 99 force and all the best critters, but would the curse be worth it? As from that moment on all of your achievements had to be prefaced with "No Misingno" or "Purist" (at least in my school anyway).

And with each passing day the curse of Missingno spread, tainting all who witness it with a true gaming dilemma.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.