8 Video Game Curses You Actually Want

6. Rend And Rupture - Tiny Tina's Wonderland

Dragon Lord Tiny Tina
Gearbox Software

As with nearly everything in the wild world of Bunkers and Badasses, Tiny Tina's Wonderland takes the concept of Curses and makes them something that players will actively fight over to be afflicted with.

Now to be clear, each of the curses that the Dragon Lord presents players with during the Chaos Chamber post-main game runs will affect you and your party negatively in some way, either by reducing your damage output or limiting which abilities you can use, however with certain builds and teamwork, you can actually take these curses in your stride and a select few will actually help you out in battle!

A great example of this is the Rend and Rapture curse that will not only provide you with +30% more crystals (the currency used to spawn loot at the end of the raid runs) and a high chance of enemies dropping more crystals upon death, but the "downside" to this curse is that when enemies get to below 15% health they will start to glow blue!

Now I know what you're thinking, BLUE!?! BLUE!?! What does that mean?! Are the enemies going to explode? or morph into other enemies or start singing Eifel 65? Well, fret not my friend because the enemies throbbing color choice actually signifies that if you march up and kill them with a melee attack, they will drop a health potion to heal you!

Oh. That. Doesn't really sound like a terrible deal. AND YOU'D BE RIGHT! Enjoy your late game stages that allow you to heal while right in the thick of it!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.