8 Video Game Details That Went TOO FAR

5. The 10 Hour Tutorial - Final Fantasy 13

the last of us 2 eyes
Square Enix

Sometimes it’s not the individual detail that goes too far but the sheer amount of them that really yanks at your nostril hair, and such a plucker was how Final Fantasy 13 decided to dole out its player tutorials.

Now as it stands, FF13 and its weird offshoots are considered to be a “Sonic ‘06” moment for Square Enix, where they doubled down on characters few enjoyed, told a story that even less understood or cared for, and took a hand-holding approach to its gameplay that left bruises thanks to its vice-like grip.

It’s a game that defenders will say “gets good after ten hours” which is a statement that carries as much water as a sieve but does inform you that FF13 has some huge gameplay flow issues. The biggest assassin of your fun comes in the form of a protractor ten-hour tutorial that will feed you meager information pieces about the battle system and world around you.

It’s these details that should have been present from the start, as seeing as the level design for these openings ours is basically Corridor Paradise, would have allowed the players some flexibility on how these battle or build a party. We wanted the details upfront dammit!


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