8 Video Game Details That Went TOO FAR

3. You Never Actually Get The Crown! - Fall Guys

the last of us 2 eyes

So as we all know, Fall Guys is a game for absolute sadists that is dressed up in a manner that looks like a 90's Saturday morning cartoon.

It's a game that will make you coo with awe before then crying out "Awwww f**k THIS !*$%" as it swings wildly between so cute that butter wouldn't melt to roasting your very soul as your friends betray you at the final hurdle.

Compounding all of this frustration however is a small detail that admittedly breaks my heart every single time I see it, and that's that even when winning the elusive crown by persevering through drunken bean hell, your little fella never ever gets to have the crown, either losing it or failing to grasp it before it floats away again.

It's a moment that seems like the cruelest moment in the cruelest of games, a shattering of glass that reveals that you're locked inside a gameplay loop of chasing a crown that will never actually ever be yours. Woof.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.