8 Video Game Details That Went TOO FAR

2. Some Enemies Are Forced Conscripts - Call Of Duty: World At War

the last of us 2 eyes

The Call Of Duty games as well known for their rather bombastic approach to warfare, often resembling a Michael Bay venture what with the excess of explosions and patriotism oozing from every orifice.

However there are moments when COD decides to get shockingly real, and for some, it's a little too much like the real thing for comfort. Take for example the shocking revelation that in Call Of Duty: World At War's sixth mission "Burn 'Em All" you're not just fighting against the Imperial Japanese Army, but also conscripts that were forced to serve the Japanese army after being captured.

This rather grim detail was found by fans who analyzed the speech of some of the soldiers you were roasting alive with a flamethrower, as it revealed that not all of them were speaking Japanese.

Some, it turns out, were speaking in Indonesian, thus leading many to believe these soldiers to be forced conscripts who really didn't want to be fighting either way.

We've witnessed nuclear devastation and multiple player deaths in the first person, but somehow this is the moment that things feel their most real and painfully traumatic, making you realize the horrors of war in the most subtle of ways.


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