8 Video Game Easter Eggs Made Out Of Spite

4. Timmy Vermicelli - Driv3r

Mercenaries 2
Ubisoft Reflections

It wasn't exactly a secret that Atari held quite a lot of contempt for the likes of Grand Theft Auto, who in their eyes were the ones to beat when it came to pumping out their sequel to the beloved Driver series of games.

Yet while much more attention should have been spent on, you know, making sure the game !*$% worked, the devs decided to knuckle down and make their intentions known by routinely mocking the current crown holder GTA however they could.

Their most blatant and altogether petty dig came in the form of Timmy Vermicelli, a parody of Tommy Vercetti from GTA Vice City so thinly veiled you'd think it was made of pure ghost. Here Timmy was a hidden pedestrian that could be found in all three cities, and would reward the player with special perks if he could be cleared out of each area. Subtle it was not.

Get rewarded for killing GTA, and because the perks such as not damaging your own vehicle when crashing into others were so good, it was clear that the devs wanted you to seek out this large-handed loser.

As a final jab, Timmy is shown to be wearing inflatable water wings, a reference to the fact that Tommy can't swim in the GTA games. It's a shame then that it was GTA that was the one left floating after the tidal wave of disaster that was Driv3r launched and promptly sank.

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