8 Video Game Easter Eggs Made Out Of Spite

3. What Is The Square Root Of A Fish? - Skullgirls Encore

Mercenaries 2
Reverge Labs

Now this Easter Egg falls into a strange place on the old "spit-o-meter" as on the one hand this secret was included only on cracked versions of the almighty Skullgirls video game meaning you'd have to be pretty spiteful to the devs Lab Zero Games in order to find it, however, it turned out that this Easter Egg of sorts was actually put there by the devs themselves as an anti-piracy measure to stick one to those looking to play for free!

Just a few days after the game was released Lab Zero were flooded with strange images and questions based around a text message that popped up after beating the game. The message read "What Is The Square Root Of A Fish? Now I'm Sad" and seemed to have no answer that could be found within the game itself and players, as one would expect, wanted to know more.

The answer was a bit of a shock then when Lab Zero responded on Twitter stating "Oh that? It means you should probably buy the game instead of pirating it" leading to much ridicule of the players in question.

Fair play to Lab Zero for dealing with it in a relaxed manner, but the real meaning, and the ire that must have been felt by the devs is no joke at all.

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Mercenaries 2
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