8 Video Game Enemies Defeated By Doing Absolutely Nothing

2. The Red Girl Masterminds - NieR: Automata

Nier Automata Red Girl

It actually feels like somewhat of a sin to not engage in the brilliant combat that Nier: Automata offers to the player, as it really is absolutely sublime when you’re lopping off mecha body bits with massive swords and/or gunning down mechs with smaller, more adorable mechs.

Still, even a game as action heavy as this sometimes asks the player to flex their patience rather than their muscles. At the end of the game, when you’re battling The Red Girls as A2, after a while it becomes clear that all this aggression is getting you nowhere.

For every one of their avatars that you kill, another takes its place until the screen becomes flooded with these little tykes. What are you to do? Put simply: nothing. If you let the girls keep replicating as they try to cover the screen with attack orbs, they create more and more inconsistencies within their programming. Eventually your patience is rewarded by them turning on each other and wiping all but one of them out. Finish the job with minimal effort and think of all those calories that would have been spent chopping away saved.


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