8 Video Game Enemies That Made You Say WHAT?!

4. Poo Snakes - Blue Dragon

ton 2

I just. What the hell am I even looking at here?

This my friend is likely the same response you had upon seeing the Poo Snake from Blue Dragon for the first time, as its defining characteristics defy all reason. For a start let's address the stinky snake in the room, yes their body does indeed look like a coiled turd, that is a thing that someone sat down and created. Moving on from this is the fact that this dopey looking dump has a MOUTH ON ITS TUMMY for some reason, and cute little booties. It's like someone used all the leftover appendages from other monsters and fed them through a grinder!

Plus that name, come on it never stood a chance of being taken seriously! However, it's here that the developer is actually playing a little trick on you, as while these are the weakest enemies in the entire game, and their appearance is utterly laughable, if you let too many of this enemy gather during a battle, you're in for a potential world of poo-related pain.

For if enough Poo Snakes gather, they suddenly transform into the JUMBO POO SNAKE which can legit wipe your party with its disgustingly named "aged vomit" attack. Looks like the poo is on the other foot should you let this snakey s**t get his mates together!

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