8 Video Game Enemies That Made You Say WHAT?!

3. Balloon - Wild Arms Franchise

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The Wild Arms games are a criminally underrated RPG experience unlike anything else, and their focus on firearms, wildly engaging stories, and brilliant characters are factors that should not be allowed to slip from the public consciousness.

However, one image I could probably do without is a giant floating sack of blood with a face on it that wants to turn my insides into outside, and yet thanks to the Arms Franchise this meat Zepplin is a reoccurring horror that players must face.

Making matters worse is that for some unknown reason, this Hinden-burger looking bastard is usually one of the first enemies that players come across, scarring them for the next 60+ hours as they wonder what literal fresh hell this gassy meat sack was plucked from!

The rest of the enemies in the early areas are nowhere near as wild as this enemy, and it's a rather jaw-dropping moment to encounter one for the first time. Luckily fighting them goes about as well as a real-world balloon would do against sustained pistol fire, but you can never truly shake how utterly weird the encounter was.

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