8 Video Game Enemies Who Stole Your Moves
5. Yang - Sifu
Ok so I'm just going to say it, Yang from the almighty martial arts and work of art titles that is Sifu is one of my favorite video game bosses OF ALL TIME.
Not only is the quest to end this git an extremely engaging and challenging one, but he is most definitely the boss that puts the "FU" into Kung-Fu thanks to his ability to look over all your skills and techniques and simple reply with "not today mate"
The absolute gut punch of starting the fight with him, opening the skill wheel, and finding all of your sweeps, swipes, and eye pokes are disabled was second only to the absolute freight train of a fist that landed in my tum tum moments later. Seriously this man's fights might as well be made out of pure prune juice and coffee grounds for how much it made me absolutely s**te myself. This is a boss that stole your moves in a very literal sense before then adopting the same stances as you to batter you like a fish and chip shop.
Humiliating doesn't even cut it. Yet it's through this utter beatdown that you're forced to fully engage with Sifu, to forgo cheap tricks in favor of fluid combos and pinpoint attacks. This is a fight that will make you a better player by the end of things, but it will not be an easy ride.