8 Video Game Fan Films That Deserve Mainstream Recognition

6. The Splinter Cell

Metroid The Sky Calls
Atomic Productions

With the Splinter Cell series lying dormant since 2013, and with no concrete evidence of a new entry, Atomic Productions delighted fans of the franchise with the excellent origin story The Splinter Cell. Set before the events of the first game, the film features a younger Sam Fisher and Lambert, and hints at an early iteration of the mysterious 3rd Echelon.

The Splinter Cell sees Sam Fisher, at this point in time simply an ex-Seal and DEVGRU operative, being brought in by the US Government for questioning. The interrogation is intercut with Fisher conducting an operation in which he expertly lures out and dispatches members of an unnamed terror cell.

The film shows an accomplished knowledge of the techno-thrillers that it seeks to emulate, with complex military terminology described by the characters and a truly authentic, believable feel to Fisher's infiltration. The cinematography during the aforementioned operation scene is shadowy and foreboding, as Fisher baits and stalks his prey from the darkness akin to Ridley Scott's titular Alien.

The film's production value throughout is stunning, and it frequently rivals that of big-budget Hollywood thrillers. The Splinter Cell was followed up by a second episode, 25 minutes in length, treating viewers to lengthy action scenes and a lot of intense political intrigue. Ubisoft would be wise to take note of Atomic Productions' work when considering their own adaptation.

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Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.