8 Video Game Fan Films That Deserve Mainstream Recognition

4. Metroid: The Sky Calls

Metroid The Sky Calls
Rainfall Films

Metroid is undoubtedly Nintendo's most under-utilised IP. Whilst Mario, Zelda and Pokémon among others enjoy regular releases and truckloads of cash being dumped upon them by adoring fans, Metroid as a franchise has had comparatively few outings.

This is especially tragic as Metroid is arguably the most well-realised and artistically accomplished of Nintendo's works. Clearly influenced primarily by Ridley Scott's Alien, its blend of dark science fiction and horror is uniquely atmospheric, with its cavernous worlds conveying a distinct sense of loneliness and isolation.

Rainfall Films' excellent Metroid: The Sky Calls manages to bring this across perfectly. Following protagonist Samus Aran as she investigates a Chozo signal from a derelict planet, the film sees her trapped in a barely-lit labyrinth reminiscent of the hallways of the derelict ship from 1979's Alien. Upon receiving mysterious co-ordinates from a Chozo statue, delivered by a recording of... herself... a thrilling escape ensues, featuring a face-off against enemies of unknown origin and a visually stunning journey to an uncharted galaxy.

Where Metroid: The Sky Calls shines is its unique visual aesthetic. As has been mentioned, a clear influence is the original Alien, but others include retro sci-fi flicks such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Solaris. The ultra-grainy filter serves as a throwback to this era of science fiction and the sense of wonder that the film's climax conveys after its earlier claustrophobic, horror-infused scenes will make you beg for a continuation. One thing we could do without, however, is all that unnecessary lip gloss.

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Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.