8 Video Game Fan Films That Deserve Mainstream Recognition

2. Metal Gear Solid: Philanthropy

Metroid The Sky Calls
Hive Division

One of the most well-known video game fan films of all time, if not the unqualified best, 2009's Metal Gear Solid: Philanthropy is an Italian-made feature-length epic made on a budget of just $15,000 dollars - and what production studio Hive Division managed to achieve is incredibly impressive.

Set in 2007, shortly before Metal Gear Solid 2's Tanker Incident, the film follows Solid Snake and two fellow members of anti-Metal Gear organisation Philanthropy on a mission to rescue a kidnapped senator. If the mission is a success, it could lead to the permanent destruction of all Metal Gear units. The film is unashamedly camp and more than a little tonally inconsistent, but this is admittedly par for the course when it comes to Metal Gear.

After all, this a series that can switch from thoughtful political commentary and overwrought drama to diarrhoea jokes in the blink of an eye. Despite its visual effects having aged poorly and some of its acting being a little on the unconvincing side, Metal Gear Solid: Philanthropy's scope is nonetheless admirable - and the film is self-aware enough that its technical flaws can be forgiven.

Upon seeing the film, Hideo Kojima expressed his love for it and went on to say how excited he was for a sequel. Said sequel was planned and a concept made, but Konami of course threatened legal action over the project and it was subsequently cancelled. Tragic, as the available material for part 2 is nothing short of beautiful.

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Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.