8 Video Game Glitches Too Awesome To Hate

1. The 900mph Wheelie - Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec

Grand Theft Auto IV
Polyphony Digital & YouTube: Azza

Much as the Gran Turismo games are known for being serious, visually stunning, and mechanically robust racing sims, the third entry into the series shipped with a genuine thigh-slapper of a glitch you'll surely never forget.

The glitch will make your car do a wheelie, with the speed from the vehicle's back wheel going as high as 900mph.

To get it done, all you need to do is pick a car with at least 1000 HP, tune your front and rear suspension to their lowest settings, set the front downforce as low as possible, the rear downforce to its highest, and the gearbox's final drive ratio to 3.000 with the auto setting maxed.

Once you hit around 370km/hour, the front of the car will lift up, ensuring you're propelled forward by only the two back wheels, hilariously increasing your top speed by more than double.

Does it make a lick of sense physics-wise? Absolutely not, but is it pretty much the most entertaining thing anybody's ever done in a Gran Turismo game? You betcha.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.