8 Video Game Items That Pranked Players

3. Bubble Gun - Earthworm Jim 2

dragon age inquisition
Shiny Entertainment

When you hear "Bubble Gun," you're probably picturing something like a gun that can fire giant bubbles which trap enemies inside them, right? Well, prepare to lower your expectations where Earthworm Jim 2's sudsy projectile weapon is concerned.

Those who input the cheat code to unlock the mysterious gun will find that it's... literally just a supermarket-brand bubble gun that just... fires bubbles and nothing else.

To be clear, the Bubble Gun has no offensive properties whatsoever, because developers Shiny Entertainment thought it'd be hilarious to make players go through the rigmarole of inputting a cheat code that leads to an absolute nothingburger of a weapon.

And they'd be right.

Fire away with the Bubble Gun in hand and a few bubbles will lackadaisically dribble out before drifting off into the sky, causing no harm to anyone they come into contact with.

It's a classically useless weapon which, beyond featuring some undeniably pretty bubble animations - which somebody on the dev team clearly put way too much time into animating - has no in-game utility whatsoever. What a crock.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.