8 Video Game Items That Pranked Players

1. Victim Of Fashion Amulet - Dragon Age: Inquisition

dragon age inquisition
Bioware & YouTube: FluffyNinjaLlama

The Victim of Fashion amulet can be forged in Dragon Age: Inquisition by first picking up the Fragment of Inadequate Chain Mail from a dead body on Dragon Island.

The Inadequate Chain Mail isn't merely a clever name, though - it's effectively a chainmail bikini which offered its ill-fated wearer virtually no protection whatsoever, as a parody of the fantasy genre's tendency to give female characters sexy armour with little-to-no practical utility.

Because as we surely all know by now, the guys who make fantasy games are historically horny as hell.

But if you take a fragment of the Chain Mail to Dagna, she'll craft the aforementioned Victim of Fashion amulet, which when equipped grants you +1 Cunning in exchange for reducing your Magic, Melee, and Ranged defense by a full 100%.

Hilariously, the item description even refers to it as "an astoundingly bad idea," ensuring it's about as useful as a chocolate teapot at a barbecue.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.