8 Video Game Movie Adaptations That Were Better Than We Remember

7. The World Is Not Enough (Nintendo 64)

The Warriors PS2
Electronic Arts

The World Is Not Enough was adapted across two platforms; the PlayStation and Nintendo 64 versions were released at roughly the same time and despite mirroring some gameplay aspects, fair comparisons had to be made against each other.

It was the N64 version that reigned supreme. Following the narrative of the film, sequences that involve vehicles are replaced by first-person battles; the superb boat chase on the Thames was twisted into a shootout through London and into the Underground tube station.

The game is an honest attempt at making a strong interpretation of the film, and while it can be compared to Goldeneye until the cows come home, we're okay with this adaptation. The multi-player worked well, and the level designs were unique enough that we never felt ourselves in the same place twice.

Plus, replay the multiplayer and you can roam around blasting a machine gun as Dame Judi Dench’s M.

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The Warriors
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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!