8 Video Game Plot Twists Revealed OUTSIDE The Main Story

6. Markovic's Disappearance - Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex Human Revolution
Square Enix

All things considered, Dr. Vera Markovic is a relatively small player in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. She shows up a few times when player character Adam Jensen needs to check in on his augments, gives him a few vital plot details and then disappears from her post at the LIMB clinic in Detroit.

What happened to her is never explained in the game itself, but it turns out her absence is much more important than the average fan would assume. That's because she actually becomes a main player in the Deus Ex comic series which was running at the same time, which explains she was kidnapped from the clinic by mercenary Quincy Durant and forced into implanting him with an ungodly amount of augments.

In the books, she fortunately escapes after Jensen frees her (but not before getting captured in the process), and this is the real reason she disappears so suddenly from the game. It's easy to forget now, but the cross-media universe of Deus Ex was actually pretty ambitious when the series was rebooted, and little details like this encouraged players to fill in the gaps of the story by seeking out all of the tie-in material, as even small characters often held a larger significance overall.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3