8 Video Game Remakes That Need To Happen (And What They Should Fix)

6. Ape Escape - Fix The Voice Acting

red dead redemption

Is there anything more pure and enjoyable than the original Ape Escape on the PS1?

Well if there is then I've not bloody heard of it, because capturing angular apes with a net using the at the time revolutionary analog control sticks on Sonys Grey God was one of the best video game experiences at the time.

Hopping through time and being presented with lovingly well-crafted levels and puzzles that actively sought to get the most of the new control system, Ape Escape was the breath of fresh air we didn't know we needed at the time, and can we all just agree that the opening intro music bops so hard that it could be a gang from The Warriors?

However, as much as I'd like to see this game get a fresh coat of paint and call it a day on the remaster front, the voice acting has got to go, as it's not Resident Evil so-bad-it's-good, it's watching a school play on a comedown bad.

Spike and his friends sound like the first voice actors the devs came across, hell, the professor sounds like he was just the first person they found period, and the grating dialogue does detract from an otherwise polished experience.

So quit monkeying around and get some proper voice acting for the remaster, please!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.