8 Video Game Rewards Hidden In The End Credits

1. Invisible Tetris - Tetris: The Grand Master 2 & 3

Sonic Colors
Akira & Twitch: mistermv

Now in complete fairness, this can really only be considered a reward to the most masochistic of players, but it is absolutely fascinating all the same.

In the second and third entries into the Tetris: The Grand Master franchise, nimble-fingered players who manage to reach level 999 and effectively beat the game will see the end credits roll.

But here comes the "reward" for doing what most cannot - an additional game of Tetris can be played over the credits, where each tetromino turns invisible after players have locked its placement.

This adds an almost unfathomable level of challenge to an already maddeningly difficult game, forcing players to try and memorise their block placement while also trying to, y'know, actually play regular Tetris.

It is, of course, something reserved only for the most elite of Tetris players, who are really the only folk wild enough to ever consider taking on this bonkers challenge anyway. 

Needless to say, only a small handful of folk have ever beaten it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.