8 Video Game Rewards Hidden In The End Credits

2. A Trophy - Sonic Colors

Sonic Colors

Not all rewards can be quite so creative, but all the same, who among us doesn't love the dopamine rush that accompanies the distinctive pop of one of those intangible digital trophies or achievements?

And so, Sega were keen enough for players to sit through Sonic Colors' almost 15-minute end credits sequence that they even incentivised it by giving out a trophy for anyone who did.

The trophy, hilariously named "Giving Credits Where Credits Due," can be popped by leaving your controller idle on the credits screen for its entirety while you go do some laundry, but in order to further encourage players actively engaging with the screen, Sonic actually remains playable throughout.

You're able to jump or spin into each credit and destroy it, in turn receiving rings for your effort. 

Fear not if you skipped the credits, though - Sega handily lets you reload them from the level select screen and get your precious virtual reward.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.