8 Video Game Skills You Wished You Never Bought

3. Dauntless - Hunt: Showdown

shadow of mordor

Hunt: Showdown really is the little game that could. Launching with the brilliant premise of a group of Wild West-era bounty hunters tracking down occult monsters before then trying to escape with the loot battle royale style, it quickly found an audience, even if the controls and gameplay in those early days needed a tonne of refinement. It basically had something for everyone being part survival horror, part co-op game, and part zombie murder simulator.

Unfortunately, though, this kitchen sink approach also means that the game has included a few floaters just through trying to cater to everyone, and no skill stands out as being near 100% useless (unless you're a maniac) as much as the "Dauntless" ability.

As per usual this sounds great while spoken about in a vacuum, that with this skill the player can rush forward and defuse any explosive or support item thrown at them. The benefits to this are obvious as having a grenade arrive at your feet is always bad news and choke bombs? Well, they are.... the worst so yeah I'll take any chance not to hack up my lungs please! However there's one caveat to the skill that absolutely ruins its potential for fun and that's that it doesn't reset the timer on the item itself, meaning that if an opponent cooks a grenade you're going to be starting right at it as it goes off in your hand.

Now a lot of newcomers to the game might not be well versed in this practice, but any FPS gamer worth their salt will be doing this as second nature, meaning that the Dauntless skill really should be retitled as the "Free Kill" or "Lemming" ability, as you're serving up some tasty points on a plate for your opponent nine times out of ten.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.