8 Video Game Skills You Wished You Never Bought

4. Medical - Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall

shadow of mordor
Bethesda Softworks

Healing in video games is always going to be an important factor that the player needs to consider, and as such how you heal will be something you'll need to master quickly.

Some games let you stand around and sweat bullets out of your spine after a quick cup of tea a la Call Of Duty, others make you eat food from the trash bin like some hyper-aggressive tramp, and many old school titles will have you patching your melted face with some gauze and Scooby Doo plasters courtesy of a medipack or health kit.

Then of course there's sleeping, which let's face it, probably wouldn't do all that much for a broken arm or a severe head wound, in fact that's the last thing you'd want to do for the latter, but it's a common enough sight to see video game heroes clocking into the ZZZ factory right after taking a bullet to the gob. Seriously it's a bit mad to think about hitting the hay right after a battle, especially when it's usually right next to the person you just killed.

Still, moving away from that dark thought is the Medical ability you can invest points into within the Daggerfall Elder Scrolls experience. This perk increases your healing rate when sleeping so you can get back into battle quicker after a short snooze. Sounds great right?

Well here's a question for you...why do you care how long it takes to heal? There's like three timed missions in this game, and other than that time itself is just an arbitrary concept. You could sleep for four days straight and nothing would change so, what does shaving an hour off the clock actually matter? Well, I guess you can muse on this with the time you've saved so....yay?


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