8 Video Game Trophies Totally Based On Luck

4. Benevolent Leader - Fallout 4

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When it comes to reasonably easy video games trophies being tied to random numbers, Fallout 4 has to be the worst offender of them all. Yes, other games might have been on here for being down to luck, but Benevolent Leader is something else entirely.

Nobody was asking settlement building to be added to the Fallout series, in fact, it was probably the last thing on players minds. They just wanted the game to run at a stable framerate and not crash randomly, but little did we all know that this was the precursor to Fallout 76.

Rewinding back to the Benevolent Leader trophy though, this requires the player to get a settlement up to the maximum state of happiness, the only problem is there is no exact science to it. All players can do is overbuild to ensure joy is boosted and then just wait around.

There seems to be no formula to it, and happiness will just eventually peak for a brief moment, unlocking this painful trophy.

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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.