8 Video Game Trophies Totally Based On Luck

3. Fast Zombies - Stubbs The Zombie

Stubbs the Zombie

Here is yet another trophy that shouldn’t be left up to chance, but thanks to a few extra hurdles it has become a nightmare to unlock. Requiring the player to essentially speed run the game - Fast Zombies asks the player to beat the game in two hours or less.

Though, the real issue is what the game doesn’t tell you.

This can only be achieved by beating the game in a single run, so no saving and coming back the next day in hopes to make it a little more manageable. Now even after that added caveat, this doesn’t seem that hard to earn, but let’s just say Stubbs The Zombie isn’t the most stable game out there.

So not only do players have to have an excellent memory, but they need to be patient in hopes they don’t push Stubbs too far to the point he falls apart - and when most players will experience at least one crash as they stumble through this game, it simply isn’t worth the effort required.

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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.