8 Video Games That Actually Made Us Want To Go Outside

6. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

SkyrimMade Us Want To: Go adventuring! The world of Skyrim, perhaps more than any other, makes you want to become a real adventurer. The grand scale of Skyrim is breathtaking with massive cities, panoramic vistas round every corner and a fabulous light show in the sky at night thanks to the local aurora. There's evil to slay too and while skeletons, giants and spiders are needed in every adventure, it's dragons that excite us the most in Skyrim. Whilst meeting a dragon in real-life would be utterly terrifying, armed with the powers of the Dragonborn we could have a real go at one. Of course, real-life is an adventure in itself. Crossing the road into town €“ that's a dangerous task. Your mum leaving you a note to buy some milk €“ that's as good a quest as any. The cash machine refusing to pay out because you've apparently "reached your overdraft limit"? Well, if we had a sword, some evil would be slain, let's put it that way. Yeah... I guess a real-life adventure just doesn't measure up to a Skyrim one.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.