8 Video Games Released After Their Consoles DIED

5. Star Fox 2 - SNES

dreamcast game

Nintendo sure does have a nasty habit of, how best to put this, not giving fans good Star Fox games? I know this sounds like a strange statement but let's just walk through my thesis.

Firstly we have Dinosaur Planet, a game that Miyamoto saw whilst walking through developer Rare's offices and literally said "yeah I'll have that mate", forcing them to slap a Star Fox logo onto things and naming it Star Fox Adventures, creating an experience that was in no way ever connected to the source material and bloody feels like it every step of the way. Then we have the big dollop of wallpaper paste that was Star Fox Zero which perfectly sums up how much love and care went into the project (absolute duck egg).

And finally, we have Star Fox 2, an admittedly brilliant game that took Nintendo a svelte 22 years to actually bother to release!

Due to a shift towards newer hardware and being developed at a time when the PS1 was swinging its digital dong around, Starfox 2 was shelved despite being fully complete by 1995, with Nintendo citing that people would find the 16-bit graphics unappealing. Now I'm no fancy video game developer, but I'd wager that people probably would have bought a sequel to one of the most beloved games of all time.

But what do I know eh?

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